TUPAs project news

ISTAS is leading a European project approved in the 2016 EU social dialogue call on "Trade Union Preventive Agents" (hence the project acronym "TUPA"), which refers to people hired by trade unions visiting companies of which they are not part to improve participation in SMEs with fewer than 50 workers.

They are figures inspired by the Territorial Prevention Delegates of the Swedish experience, although they do not have the competences and institutional support of the model.

The project aims to identify similar experiences in the participating countries, evaluate their impact and the factors that favour or hinder their implementation.

Our partners in the project are:

La Universidad de Cardiff (UK)
La Fondazione Di Vittorio (Italia)
El sindicato Solidarnosc (Polonia)


We also have the collaboration of a Swedish expert who will update first-hand information on the existing experience in his country. The project will be developed from January 2017 to December 2018 and its final results will be:

  • A scientific report with the results of the research
  • An audiovisual and a brochure for diffusion
  • A conference in Brussels with social partners to disseminate the results and future prospect

If you want more information about the project: vuberti@istas.ccoo.es

Project work plan
First project meeting