The studies include:
Energy Self-consumption and renewable distributed generation as a source of employment
The main objective of the study is to analyze the job creation associated with the generation of electricity through a renewable and distributed model based on Self-consumption in Spain.
Employment associated with the promotion of renewable energies in Spain
This study includes information on the state of affairs of economic, business and association activities directly involved in processes of exploitation of renewable sources focusing on aspects related with the quality and number of generated jobs. The study has been carried out for the Spanish Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and has been used as the official numbers of employment in renewable energies to elaborate the National Action Plan for Renewable Energies 2011-2020.
Executive Summary
Job creation in renovation and energy refurbishing of buildings and houses
This study defines the profiles and characteristics of building and houses in Spain, it also offers a current perspective of energy refurbishing of buildings in terms technical, regulatory, human, management and financial aspects. It also draws a projection on job potential. The ultimate purpose of this study is to draw a quantitative and qualitative estimate on direct and indirect jobs to be created through the start of a set of actions for the energy rehabilitation of existing buildings.
Executive Summary
Job creation and sustainable mobility
This study includes the description of the current mobility model in Spain and of its recent evolution, detailing each modality and jobs associated to them, based on sustainability criteria in terms of energy comsumption. It aims at designing a new scenario different from trends and continuation patterns, a scenario based on energy efficiency that favours sustainable mobility. Tools based on useful knowledge aimed at designing strategies to promote a socially just, environmentally sustainable and economically viable development.
Deposit return systems in Spain
Estimates on potential jobs associated with the implementation and development of the first phase of deposit return systems in Spain
Public funding for green energy in a context of crisis
This report is part of the project titled “Public Funding for Green Energy in a context of Crisis” funded by the European Trade Union Institute.
Public funding for green energy in a context of crisis