Link to Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO.)

ISTAS is a project within the scope of Spanish Trade Union (CC.OO.) strategy. Its main task is to support trade union’s health and safety and environmental actions through technical and specialized expertise. Work on environmental issues is particularly related to problems stemming from industrial activity.

ISTAS offers technical advisory and assistance to the TUC CC.OO., both at national directing boards and regional organizations levels. We work in close cooperation with trade union’s health and safety and environmental managers and experts in both national and regional boards.

We cooperate in our field of expertise with the following CC.OO. foundations and organisations:

  • FOREM (Foundation for Training and Employment) and the National CC.OO. Union Training Centre (with respect to training programmes);
  • Foundation “Peace and Solidarity” for international cooperation projects and support to trade union organisations in Africa, Latin America and Asia;
  • And with the Foundation “Primero de Mayo” for research on the new challenges faced by trade unions.

ISTAS also cooperates with the International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development SustainLabour.
Besides the specific tasks outlined in the annual work plan described in What and Projects and activities we perform different tasks to support CC.OO. actions:

  • Advisory in the preparation of meetings and documents to be submitted to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Healthcare, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Industry and Energy, as well as for the advisory bodies, particularly the National Commission for Health and Safety at Work, the Environmental Advisory Council and the National Climate Council.
  • Drafting of documents and protocols for union action
  • Participation in EU work committees
  • Participation in international meetings and debates in the line of CC.OO. cooperation initiatives, especially in Latin American and Caribbean countries.